The #1 PEEK Experts

Creating and delivering future value for
shareholders and customers

An innovative world leader in
high performance polymer solutions

We are the number 1 PEEK experts and with over 40 years’ experience,
we have global reach, real scale, manufacturing and technical excellence and
a diverse mix of strategic markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Energy, Industrial, Electronics and Medical.


Our business offers sustainable products which are aligned to global megatrends: CO2 reduction through lighter and durable polymers replacing metal in Aerospace, Automotive and Energy, with a typical weight saving of 60%; Medical through enhanced clinical and patient outcomes, and in Electronics where our solutions support efficient processing and manufacture. With faster processing times compared to metal and recyclability potential, our polymers are tailored to support a greener planet, as well as enabling manufacturing cost savings.

Highlights from Victrex

Investors Governance
Good governance is the foundation for how we operate
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Victrex Annual report 2022
Read the latest investors’ reports and presentations
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Find out how Victrex supports the

Sustainable Development Goals

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