


開発を検討されている製品の要求性能や使用環境などについて、ぜひお聞かせください - 当社のエキスパートが用途に適したPEEKポリマーのグレードや設計・成形方法などについてご案内いたします。



  • ドラッグデリバリーデザインの革新を促す市場動向
  • 高性能PEEKポリマーと他の材料の違い
  • デバイスメーカーからの洞察
  • PEEKポリマーの加工と成形オプション
  • コネクテッドウェアラブルデバイスと次世代吸入デバイスのケーススタディ
"All established injectable device manufacturers that we are aware of have at least one form of wearable injector in their portfolio.

The device concepts which push drugs from standard pharmaceutical cartridges are likely to feature strongly in the future marketplace.

Alternative devices will have a bright future where they can demonstrate an
advantage such as a smaller or more elegant form factor or better usability."
Tom Oakley
Director of Drug Delivery Science
"PEEK is a material that many medical and drug delivery device OEMs reach for because of its well documented acceptance in predicate implantable and surgical devices."
Donna Bibber
Miniaturization Subject Matter Expert
Isometric Micro Molding, Inc.
"Patients expect their medical devices to look and behave in the same way that their consumer devices do.

Developments in battery charging, Bluetooth connectivity &
miniaturization have the potential to shake up innovation in medical and smart health technology.

Advanced materials have a part to play in improving the ergonomics of devices, and providing an experience to patients that supports and encourages medicines adherence."
Adam Salmen
Strategic Marketer
We challenged product engineers Tricas to design next-generation drug delivery devices with PEEK
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Discover how it can wearable drug delivery devices can be enhanced with high performance polymers
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Discover how PEEK could be used in next generation respiratory and drug delivery to the lungs in this inhaler concept
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